There are very few clubs in world football that can boast the worldwide following Rangers possess and the recent ORSA convention in Bangkok showcased just how special the football club and its fanbase truly are.

Thanks to the Bangkok Bears, I was fortunate to be invited to the Thai capital to host some of the events being laid on. It was an absolute pleasure to get the opportunity to engage with Ibrox heroes of the past as well as supporters from around the globe.

It was the first ORSA convention in three years due to Covid and my first Rangers convention of any sort so it was a step into the unknown. What transpired was quite wonderful.

The four-day event began with an excursion to the Bridge on the River Kwai, Hellfire Pass as well as the War Museum and cemetery commemorating the thousands of lives lost during the construction of the railway line in World War 2.

A golf day and trip to the tallest building in Thailand would follow before a meet-and-greet event at Bangkok Bears HQ - The Sportsman bar. Here, I was tasked with interviewing Kevin Thomson, Kris Boyd, and Arthur Numan via Zoom on a giant screen.

All three were on top form as expected but it was equally great to bump into so many Rangers supporters from all corners of the planet who had descended upon Bangkok.

The next day a boat trip along the Chao Phraya River was arranged where we took in some of the city’s finest landmarks while enjoying delicious Thai cuisine, washed down with a beer or two of course.

A rendition of Loch Lomond rounded off the cruise, with an evident sense of family present. Despite not having met anyone before touching down in Thailand, I was made most welcome by every single Rangers supporter, not to mention the club legends who had made the trip to the Far East.

Just as they were on a summer night in Barcelona in 1972, Dave Smith and Colin Stein were in magnificent form as were Stuart Munro, Craig Moore, and Lorenzo Amoruso.

All five even made an impromptu Morning Briefing appearance that included the hilarious moment Amoruso belted out ‘Come on the f**king Rangers’ which resulted in Jonny McFarlane’s glasses steaming up.

The convention culminated with the Gala Ball at the Ambassador Hotel on Saturday night, with the Bangkok Bears pulling out all the stops to stage an impressive showpiece event.

Those who have been following my video diary will have seen first-hand just how spectacular the evening was. As someone who was making their convention debut, I was blown away by just how much work had gone into staging an event of this magnitude.

We kicked things off with a spot of Thai dancing before I was again tasked with interviewing Kenny Miller, Pedro Mendes, and Ian Durrant via Zoom on a big screen in the courtyard outside.

Once everyone had taken their seats it was then time to chat to the outgoing Stewart Robertson and newly-appointed CEO James Bisgrove via Zoom before the aforementioned legends took to the stage for a Q&A on their respective Rangers careers.

As a boyhood Rangers supporter, having the chance to sit down and quiz proper Ibrox heroes was a kid in a sweetie shop stuff.

Thousands of pounds were then raised in an auction and once the raffle had been drawn it was time to mingle and dance the night away.

A farewell gathering was organised on Sunday and despite Dave Smith giving me a hiding at pool, it was another fabulous afternoon spent amongst people who may have been strangers before we met but have become firm friends since.

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It is that which delighted Angus MacAlister, chair of the Bangkok Bears, when we had a chat prior to heading back to Blighty. “It’s been fantastic having all the Rangers family over here, all enjoying themselves,” he beamed.

“It’s been hard work but it’s been absolutely worth it. When you look around the room and look at people’s faces and you just see some amazing things.

“You see Colin Stein and Dave Smith engaging with everyone, it’s just amazing. Those kinds of memories, you couldn’t make them up.

“These guys don’t play for the club anymore so technically they’ve got no obligation to do anything but they give up their time freely and they love recounting the stories of winning, various goals, and other stuff and I love hearing them.

“I’m a memory collector so when I’m 90 years old I want to be reflecting back on some of the things that really stand out and events like this, you’ll never forget them, these are memories for life.

“The Rangers family is special so when you get together it’s just party time.”

Next year’s convention will take place on the Sunshine Coast in Australia at the end of February. If the Bangkok event is anything to go by, it’s sure to be yet another uniquely special occasion.