Here's the Rangers statement in full as Douglas Park steps down with John Bennett taking over as chairman.

"Douglas Park, who has been chairman of Rangers International Football Club PLC (RIFC) for three years, has decided to step down from his role. The RIFC Board unanimously agreed to instal the current vice-chairman, John Bennett, as the club’s new chairman.

"Douglas became chairman of Rangers at the end of March 2020, assuming the role in the most challenging of circumstances. He became chairman at the onset of the Covid pandemic and went on to oversee Rangers winning its fifty-fifth Scottish League title; reach a major European final for only the fifth time in the club’s 150-year history; and lift the Scottish Cup for the first time in over a decade. Douglas also led significant investments in the infrastructure at both Ibrox and Auchenhowie.

"Douglas said: "It’s been a great honour to serve the club as a director and chairman. During my eight years in office, we endured extraordinary pressures. I am glad we have stabilised and strengthened the club and it is now time for me to hand over the baton to a new chairman for the next stage in the club’s development. I look forward to continuing to attend matches supporting the team, and I wish John and all at Rangers Football Club the very best."

"Chairman, John Bennett said: "On behalf of all my colleagues, and indeed the entire Rangers family, I want sincerely to thank Douglas for his eight years of service. Over the last three years, he led the club during exceptionally challenging times. It’s a source of great comfort that Douglas, although no longer a board member, will be by our side to support us in our relentless pursuit of success."