Here is Rangers statement about Ross Wilson's exit in its entirety.

Sporting Director Ross Wilson has today departed Rangers to join Nottingham Forest, with the best wishes and thanks of everyone at Ibrox and the Rangers Training Centre.

Ross’ three-and-a-half years of work at Rangers contributed to the men’s first team winning an historic 55th league title, their first Scottish Cup in 13 years, our run to the Europa League final and a return to the Champions League for the first time in 12 years.

The women’s first-team has been professionalised and fully integrated within the football department under Ross’ stewardship. This has seen them win their first ever SWPL title and, this season, lift the Sky Sports Cup.

Ross has overseen the development of the Rangers Training Centre into a truly elite facility, now comparable to many top European clubs.

Rangers now has a fully operational player trading model, and under Ross’ guidance, the club’s transfer fee record was broken twice with the sales of Nathan Patterson and Calvin Bassey.

Rangers Chairman, John Bennett, commented: “I would like sincerely to thank Ross for his enormous contribution to the development of Rangers both on and off the pitch.

“While we have enjoyed silverware and excellent European progress during his time, his legacy will be the development of the Rangers Training Centre into a top-class environment, and the integration and success of our women’s programme."

Speaking as he departs the club, Ross Wilson added: “I would like to thank the players, led superbly by captain James Tavernier, and the manager Michael Beale, as well as all those who have come before them in the three and a half years I have spent at Rangers.

"I would like to thank Douglas Park, Stewart Robertson and the Board for their support. I wish John Bennett - a true Rangers man - a successful chairmanship. This is a great club, and there are so many reasons for Rangers to face the decades ahead with optimism and pride.

“Thank you for your support. I wish everyone associated with Rangers nothing but the best for the future.”