By the time I write next week's column we may very well know who that is but I would love someone this support could gravitate towards. On and off the pitch it has been a solid summer so far, the challenge now is to turn that into an exciting one which truly grabs us all.

That is how I left last week's article here on the Rangers Review.

Cyriel Dessers is now here and the club have paid a lot of money to get him. A fee in the region of £4.5m with add-ons of anything up to £1.5m depending on whom you believe.

Make no mistake, that is a considerable investment for a club like ours. Michael Beale has hung his hat on the big man being that superstar no.9 we all crave. This has been a long-running saga, certainly been on then off if reports are to be believed, but Rangers' perseverance has been rewarded with the signature of their much-craved main striking target.

So what are we getting?

This is interesting because if you watched how Rangers have tried to play under Beale, they used Alfredo Morelos as a point man and often balls to his feet with his back to goal, linking with the attacking players. We all know this didn’t always work for multiple reasons.

But if you look at who has come in and the type of football they play, Lammers, Sima and Cantwell, they all are clever footballers who link play off the front man. That striker has to be strong, able to hold the ball and have powerful running and positioning abilities.

This is exactly what Dessers can and will provide Rangers and it’s how Rangers will use him. First of all, his responsibility will be to put the ball in the net. He is capable of finishing with his head and his feet, showing a range of close skilled control in some of his goal-scoring compilations. His power and physicality will be well-suited to our game.

READ MORE: Rangers transfers: Cyriel Dessers' rebuild credentials assessed

The pressure will be on. For that transfer spend Rangers and the support will be expecting twenty goals minimum but achieve that and he has the possibility to become a club hero. The support have always gravitated towards a frontman, history supports that. From Ally McCoist to Mark Hateley, from Rod Wallace to Kris Boyd, goal scorers are loved at Ibrox.

You only have to look at Todd Cantwell and his rise to favourite status amongst the support, we are craving success and a no.9 who bangs them in on a weekly basis. Cyriel Dessers can be that man.

There is a question mark or two, of course there is. With every signing there is risk. This is where the pressure on Michael Beale will be real. When a player arrives with this price tag - it has to be a success. Whilst business so far has been smart, few will judge or praise the manager if Kieran Dowell is a success for example.

The expectation is that when we spend the best part of £8m on Lammers and Dessers that they will bring an extra bit of quality, be matchwinners and deliver twenty goal involvements a year. That’s where we will judge the manager. And that’s where the criticism will come if expectations are not met.

But beyond that realisation there is excitement. This is the big business we have spoken about which was still to come. Is there more? Will Jonathan Panzo or Danillo arrive? Will Jose Cifuentes finally complete his Rangers move? It feels like we are certainly on our way to that significant revamp we all knew was needed.

With additions now steadily coming in, at some point, players are going to have to leave.

So Rangers' transfer window, although well underway, still has a way to go and that’s what we all love. It’s less than two weeks before we face Newcastle in Allan McGregor’s testimonial and then it’s Hamburg and Olympiakos in the weeks following.

It’s all go and we now have the no.9 to take us there.