Everything Michael Beale said to the media after the win over Hamburg.

Your thoughts on the game? 

We should have scored some more goals but it was a really good game. There was enough in there for me to go away excited again.  

Your thoughts on Cyriel Dessers, Kemar Roofe and Tom Lawrence? 

Yeah, you can see with Cyriel and Kemar, very similar. You know as a partnership they can be very, very interesting. They have probably both done about five or six days of pre-season. So you're seeing them probably 40 percent fit. To see Tom come back after 10 months was great and he's been training outstandingly. But you can see this needs to pick up his fitness. A year out is a long time. I thought Johnly did very, very well again. Young Bailey Rice. It's incredible to think he's 16, not 17 until the back end of October, so I’ve got to move those boys along nicely. Sam Lammers again, I was really pleased, as I was with a lot of the players. I really like Jack's presence in the goal as well, and he took a wonder. strike from the boy to score. 

Is Tom ahead of schedule? 

It was always going to be towards the end of August, where I think he can put his foot to the floor and hit his maximum of him being back, back. But he is racing ahead. Anytime we are doing smaller-sided games and tighter stuff he looks fantastic and shows his quality obviously, and you know then there's a step from that to a real game and stuff like that. But it's wonderful to have him back, similar to Kemar. That was two players that we were robbed of last season. 

You'll have to manage them?  

Kemar and Tom, are not the easiest people to manage because they want to play games. So you know as much as I want to push them along slowly, they're going to be there and going to have an opinion on that as well, but I think we've got real strength. I think you can see in the four positions.  I wanted to end the game today with Sam behind Cyriel and Kemar because it’s something I’m looking at. Again, you see everything that Abdullah is going to give us in terms of his work ethic and I think that's the big thing with the players coming in. A change of energy and work ethic and that's what I'm looking for.  

How confident are you Dessers can get you 20 goals this season? 

He’s one of three of four that are capable of getting double figures this season. Having him come in really fresh, energetic and you know we're we're trying to get as many of the forwards on the pitch. We ended there with Lammers, Dessers, Roofe, Lawrence and Cantwell, so it's very front foot. It’s important that we have some cohesion defensively because I think we will naturally create and score goals. 

Where is the Danilo transfer? 

Nothing less or more than where it was yesterday. There were lots of reports about bids being accepted or rejected and it’s somewhere in between. It'll come to fruition, or it won't. He's a good player. We're not the only team interested in him. He's not the only target we have either. But that's the name that's getting run with. So, just out of respect for Army Slot and Feyenoord the negotiations should stay quiet. You know, they come out from the other side rather than this side, and we'd rather be quiet and where it goes, we'll wait and see.  

You brought Leon Balogun back, are you still looking for another defender? 

Possibly, but Johnly leaves me something to think about as well. Connor's not miles away, Young Leon was better than you thought. So, if anything, I'm a little bit overloaded there. But we've been looking to strengthen every position. I wanted to raise the competition. I wanted to make everybody feel pleasantly uneasy, wanting everyone to feel they have the part to play. But I didn't want anyone to feel comfortable here. I want people to feel uneasy in terms of fighting for their shirts. So if. I can strengthen in. Any area I will do. 

Do you feel confident you can get Jose Cifuentes in before the opening day? 

Yeah, yeah, confident enough.