Everything the assistant coach had to say at today's press conference. 

How is your squad ahead of the game?

Rabbi has sustained a knee injury, I think he is going to be six weeks. We have got the squad prepared for tomorrow. He is added to the injury list, which has come through the games and is part of what we have got. We build the squad for tomorrow and we go again against Livingston tomorrow night.

How do you view the mood around the club at the moment?

It is understandable, you can see it. I think when you come into these games, it is tough for the players mentally. We had a big result on Thursday and then it is how you get over that and then approach the next game. I think the games have gone well in the results but we have seen that we got a little bit anxious on Sunday not getting the second goal and that does create a bit of anxiety amongst the team. We defended well, we won the game and now we push on to the cup game on Wednesday night.

How do you stop that anxiety in the crowd building?

I think you keep pushing, like we are doing, and winning the game. Confidence comes from winning, winning the game and defending well. There are lots of parts of the game we are pleased with, the mentality. I think these games are a mental tiredness sometimes when you have to prepare. You come in and you haven’t got much time to dwell on it, you focus on the next games that are coming. We prepare, we analyse what has gone on, we spend a bit of time and then we prepare for the next game. I think you get into these cycles. Three game weeks are tough mentally for the lads but the lads have prepared really well, they are really focused for Wednesday night.

How is Michael dealing with the scrutiny on him?

Of course [he is aware of it]. We all are. You can’t get away from that. I think when we all come together, we speak as a group, you analyse and you prepare for what is coming, all scenarios. We have prepared for this, we deal with it. With the injuries, you know you have built a strong squad and it is time for players to come into the team and they take us into the semi-final. It would be great to get to Hampden Park and play in another semi-final if we win on Wednesday night.

Has the intensity and scrutiny surprised you?

No. I was well versed, Michael told us when we came in what to expect. I think that comes with the territory at a big club like Rangers. You expect that. As long as you are working to a format that you know is going to bring success. I think that is what we are doing. Along the way you have those little bumps in the road but there are loads of things that build into that. As I alluded to earlier, it is the three game week, and not just last week but the three games before that. We beat Servette, we beat PSV, we beat Real Betis, all top sides. It is getting over that and getting mentally prepared for the next game and bringing yourself up to the next game. In the game on Sunday, we won the game and we move on.

Are searching for your best selection or formation?

I am not sure about selection or formation. I think the squad that we have got, it is difficult when you have got three games every week. You have to prepare properly. We have got the way we like to play, the players are all used to that now. We won on Sunday, we move onto the next game and we want to win in the quarter-final on Wednesday night.

How critical is it that Rangers win this competition?

When you look at it, running on four competitions is great. We had the league last Sunday, we had Europe and we have got the League Cup on Wednesday. It is fantastic. That is what we all came here for and what we want to be involved in. We prepare exactly the same for every game and we are focused on winning the game on Wednesday night with how tough it is going to be for us.

How close is the team to gelling? 

I think if you look at the game, there’s certain aspects of it that we could do better. We could take our opportunities better, but when you look at our three clean sheets, the way the team defends, the structure of the team and the way we are playing, it’s coming. It’s definitely coming. It only bodes well for the future. 

Added pressure to win the tournament given Celtic are out? 

No. There’s no added pressure. It’s just the pressure of being at Rangers, isn’t it? Historically, Rangers win trophies, that’s what this club is all about. That’s what we are about, winning trophies, no matter who is in it, that’s why our focus is on the next opposition. 

Belief that the performance can come tomorrow night? 

I understand what you’re saying but I think we’re all harsh. That’s how you improve. Sometimes results can hide a multitude of sins. You don’t accept 1-0s. You’ve got to look at it properly and analyse it truthfully. I think our side has. We’ve spoken about it and we move on to Wednesday where we can improve again. The group is harsh on themselves. That’s the only way you get success. You accept that things could’ve been better, but then with clean sheets, the third clean sheet in a row, tough game, it holds you strong. The foundation of clean sheets is a recipe for success. 

Why are the performances not here already two months into the season? 

We’ve been pleased with certain aspects of the game and the way that we’ve played. I think there are parts in how we combine, develop, and how the manager wants to play football. Motherwell the other day, they set up really well and we showed some good passages of play. It’s hard to play against a defensive block. You have to be patient, I think we’re showing that with some of our combination play. Some of our stuff in the attacking third has been excellent. We’ve looked at it, it hasn’t resulted in a goal but that will come in the end. 

Were you taken aback by the supporters’ reaction after a win? 

No, not at all. If you win they’re excited and if you lose, or it doesn’t quite happen, it’s part and parcel of being at Rangers I think. 

Message to the fans who were booing?

Just keep supporting us. I come out every time through that tunnel and it’s fantastic, you can hear them cheering. They will cheer us on again tomorrow night. We’re working for them to be successful.  

How do you get the unhappy fans back onside? 

We keep doing the things that we’re doing. Hopefully, we can get our chances to score a few more goals for them. It’s a work in progress. We’re definitely moving in the right direction. One step back and two steps forward, but that’s what it is when you’re building a successful team. 

Waiting on this big performance – if that comes tomorrow what can it do for the players & fans? 

Did you not think Real Betis was a big performance? We played PSV and drew 2-2, was that not a big performance? We have got them in there, it’s sustaining them all the time. We are moving forward and we are going places, I think we’ve shown that without a doubt. 

Any other injury or team news? 

No. The only new injury sustained is to Rabbi. When you build a squad it’s for four competitions. It becomes a mentality of ‘that’s what we’ve got, we’ll be successful with what we’ve got,’ it gives other people opportunities. Scott Wright came on at the weekend and did outstandingly well for the team, so it’s great for him.