Liam Kelly has given an interview to RTV following his move from Motherwell.

Here is everything he had to say.

Can you sum up what it means to be back here?

Unbelievable, to be honest. When I left I never thought I'd be back but I'm so delighted to be here. I know the size of the club, I've spent my whole life here, 14 years here. 20 years ago I first walked in the building so it's a great feeling to be back and just looking forward to a new challenge.

What was your reaction when you found out a return to Rangers was a possibility?

Probably a bit disbelief but you always have faith in your own ability that you can play at the top level and obviously, this club is the highest level. I back myself and I'm happy to be here. I'm obviously joining a really talented group of players and a really talented group of goalkeepers as well so I'm excited to join that and see what can happen over the next couple of years.

READ MORE: Check all the Rangers transfer news & rumours throughout the transfer window

How do you reflect on the journey you had here the last time?

I was here for a long time. I probably wasn't quite ready to play when I left the last time so it was definitely the right decision to leave. I'm a far better goalkeeper now than when I left, I'm definitely better for that. I had a lot of successful times, won a few youth trophies and progressed to the first team and then moved on to get some game time so I managed to accumulate a lot of games. I know the league really well now so I'm capable of playing at that level. Really happy to be back and hopefully I can have a positive impact on the group.

How much do you think you've grown in the six years since you left?

Massively. I had a lot of different adventures, I was down at QPR after Livingston and then back up to Motherwell for three and a half years and I was involved in a lot of Scotland squads as well. I played in some big games in a lot of big stadiums in the country and had a lot of successful results in that time so I'm really pleased to be back. I've grown a lot as a person and as a player and hopefully, that can be seen over the next couple of years.

What do you hope you can bring?

I just hope to be a really good person first and foremost then hopefully my goalkeeping abilities will come after that. Come into work, try and be a good guy, train really well, try and push the goalkeepers that are here. Obviously, I'm aware that Jack had an unbelievable season last year. Having played against him I know he's a top goalkeeper, probably the best goalkeeper in the league last year so I'm aware of that but hopefully my competition can challenge him and push him on even further. That will bring benefits to the team anyway.

How important was your spell at Motherwell?

It was really important. I'm obviously really grateful to the opportunity Motherwell gave me. I had three and a half really good years there. It was a really proud thing for me to captain that football club and ultimately, they gave me the platform to show what I can do and be back here. It was a great time but now that I'm back here at Rangers, I was here for 14 years and it just feels right to be back again.

How much do you hope this move can help your Scotland ambitions?

Yeah, definitely. The higher the level you're playing at the better. Like I say, I know Jack played really well last year and I'm going to try to be really good competition for him. Hopefully, that brings out the best in both of us and that can only help the team. When it comes to the national team, I've been involved in that squad a long time now and to be involved for that length of time shows you are capable of performing at that level or else you wouldn't be there. I know the level I can play at and hopefully I can bring that to the team and push us forward.

Is it exciting to come in and challenge Jack?

I was a big fan of Jack's last year. He played really well, definitely the best goalkeeper in the league last year so to be in that company will be really good. It'll help improve me as a goalkeeper. I always want to improve. I seen Mason Munn signed a new contract as well, I know the feeling of signing a contract at 18 years of age for Rangers after a Youth Cup win, I've done that as well so hopefully I can share my experiences and help him improve as well. I'd like to help the younger goalies because I know the feeling they'll have being a youth goalkeeper at Rangers trying to get into the first team. Hopefully, I can be a good person and try and push Jack every day as well.

Are you looking forward to getting started now?

I can't wait. Obviously, it's been a long summer being away at the Euros. This has been on the back burner and I agreed just to put it on hold until I got back. But we're back now, the team's already back in pre-season so I'm looking forward to it and it'll be good to get started, meet everybody and see a few old familiar faces again.