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Philippe Clement has spoken to the media after the win over St Johnstone. Here is everything he had to say.

Read more: Check all the Rangers transfer news & rumours throughout the transfer window

First of all, just your reaction on getting through to the next round?

That it's well deserved, that we were the better team. I think the only thing we missed today is to score four or five goals. To have the reward for the offensive football and creating so many chances, so that's a working point, to get more and more goals on target and with more quality.

It was a bit of a long VAR check for Cyriel's goal. Did you get an explanation of what they were looking at?

No, and I didn't see the image yet back. So I don't know, to be honest. I had the feeling that first there was an idea about the fall of Cyril, but I hear from my staff that's what they told me.  I didn't see it myself, that the defender stepped on Cyril's foot instead of the other way around. So I think if that's the case, it's a good use of VAR. What happened today.

Did you speak to the players at all about the decision? 

When? Now?

Straight after the game?

No. I just saw them a few seconds ago. We don't have so much time. You guys were talking a long time with him, so I didn't have much time to talk with him.

So could you understand why St Johnstone might be disappointed with this, or would you go by the always play to the whistle?

Yeah, those are the rules. So at the end, I think this is then a good use of VAR from the referee, to have an idea in his head but not being sure, and to let the play go on until the game is stopped, and then to make a decision together with his team, the VAR team, who have a better view on things. So that's the way how everybody wants it to work, to not make the decision split-second when you're doubting, but let the game continue. Other people with three plays and taking more time can make the right decision.

Could you understand St Johnston's frustration just because he felt the referee had gestured when he did just a few minutes before a foul?

I understand their frustration because they're still in the game at the moment. So in that way, I would also be frustrated at that moment. But they were in the game because we didn't finish off our chances also.

How pleased were you with the full-backs today? They were in the field quite a lot, which created an overload?

No, we're pleased about that because we're working on a lot of things and every game is different. This was a different game than the Kyiv game, for example, although our full-backs were also really important in that game. And we know it's a power. From Tavernier, we know the power. He's done that many years for Rangers, although he can be much more precise in his shots than he did today. But we know he has the quality. And from Jefte, we know it also. He's still really young, only 20. But I think people start to see now why we brought him in and for not much money. So it's not easy to find these kind of players with that quality. So a big congratulations to the recruitment team to find somebody with this quality, that age, for that price.

How is Robin Propper? 

I think it will be OK. So Robin felt totally blocked in his back with a knock with a duel. And it blocked his back. Because of that, he started to have problems with his groins. So he could not continue. And it was, yeah, of course, if you cannot run, you cannot turn, you cannot play. But I hope and I think it will not be a bad injury.

The scene at the end with the players going to the supporters, was that something that was pre-planned before the game? or was that just a spur of the moment thing, the players at the end?

It's something that was planned. Because that group of supporters was there Tuesday also. And they stayed after the game also to stay positive, to support the players, to support the club. So I think it's a normal thing from our side to show that respect towards them also.

Were you happy with the run-out with Danilo for the 45 minutes that you played today?

Yes, and it's a pity for him that he didn't score at a few moments. But you see him growing week by week and he comes from very far away. Even from a few days ago, because I get questions here if he was injured, because he was limping. So we had a good laugh about that the next day with Dani. And it's good that everybody sees that he's back and it's about training hard the next couple of weeks, next couple of months. Getting playing minutes or deserving playing minutes by good training. And this continues growing again.

Will it be the plan, much like the Cerny, to get more minutes, maybe a bit more next time, next time until he can play maybe a full 90 then?

Yes, that's always the plan. But of course there are other players also. And Cyril was again very important today. So he made I think already three important goals this season, that made the difference. So there's a good competition between the two of them. But if you see our programme for September, October, November, December, we will need rotation in the squad. So we need a lot of players available in that way. Hamza Igamane is also making good steps. So I hope the next couple of months to also count on him in moments to play that role. That's what you need if you want to be competitive in four competitions.

You mentioned the crowd, obviously, the attendance was a lot more today. How important is it for the supporters to stay with you even through difficult moments?

Yes, it's super important. But difficult moments. Today we won with 2-0 and we should have won with 5-0 or 5-1. That's the reality. So it's not everything is not that bad that some people feel. But I understand that. And I said it this week already a few times. If you're all your life, because being a Ranger fan, it's from the crib for a lot of people. If you're all your life at Ibrox and you're used to being there and with all your family together and suddenly you have to move to another stadium for home games. For a lot of people it's a big adaptation. It's a difficult thing. So I hope that more and more people can step over that and miss also being with the team. And I'm sure all the fans who were here today, they were really happy that they were here. And it's about us giving them good football, good results and like this that everybody can be happy again. If it's in Hampden or at Ibrox.