Fashion Sakala caused no end of a stir on Wednesday when he referred to Sunday’s opposition Celtic as "the other mob".

It was a throwaway comment which means very little but will be over analysed by pundits and blown into something it's not. No one at Rangers should be apologising.

Don’t forget, Celtic couldn’t even refer to us as 'Rangers' in official tweets when we scored a goal. The "opposition" has scored, remember. Not to mention Scott Brown and his "whoever scored at the back post" interview.

We owe them absolutely nothing and referring to them as the other mob is fair game given everything that has gone on before. If Barry Ferguson wants to go on the radio and discuss how it lacks respect then I’ll simply point him to the respect we have been given back.

Listen, we don’t like them and they don’t like us but any outrage is just for show. This is a rivalry and we pride ourselves on the fact this is one of the fiercest around. For 90 minutes there should be no friendships, no respect and certainly no fair play. I don’t want it given and I certainly am not interested in receiving it.

In fact, Calvin Bassey trying to lift up a Celtic player and checking he was okay in last season's Scottish Cup semi-final at Hampden, only to be roared at by John Lundstram and told to get back into position and leave him, is exactly what I want from my team. We have to win and they will feel exactly the same, I have zero issues with that.

But it did raise an interesting thought. Steven Gerrard turned Rangers from being a meek side that had been bullied and thrashed in several Old Firm games into one that enjoyed a near two-year dominance in the fixture.

READ MORE: The Rangers and Celtic photo that tells a thousand words - Derek Clark

It could be that Michael Beale is installing that same outlook again. We have to have that determination and rivalry in order to want to better them at every opportunity possible. I have no issues with that as long as it’s confined to the games themselves.

I want that desire and hunger for my team on Sunday. Rangers can win this but it will take a huge effort because they are a good side. The table doesn’t lie and they have some good players who will hurt us if we allow it. But, make no mistakes, this Rangers team is, to quote the manager, on the mend and we can hurt them too.

When Rangers played Celtic just a few days into the calendar year we were miles away from where we wanted to be, a team broken and being repaired by a manager in charge for only the fifth time. Fast forward seven weeks or so and we are in a much better place.

This team have shown resilience and desire to recover in games as well as adding the consistency required. Recruitment has been decent as a starting point and Rangers couldn’t really be in better form having won every game since the last draw between the sides.

So have Celtic and most often emphatically but their desire to attack and play should suit us. Our players can cause damage and if we can close the door at one end then they can certainly do the business at the other.

Rangers Review:

This will be close, both teams are capable but this is a Rangers side that has to show hunger and desire. We can do it and Michael Beale will have a plan the team will have to execute. Hopefully, there will be no more mistakes or poor goals given away like the six already shipped to Celtic this season. 

Perform on the day and Rangers will bring home a trophy that has been absent for such a long time, a bauble that was once practically considered Rangers' property don't forget.

It’s a big one for Beale but not defining in his reign. He will have plenty more opportunities but a victory at this stage will serve as a warning to everyone that Rangers are indeed on the mend.

Forget the comments, forget the so-called lack of respect, forget all the nonsense. When it comes to the 90 minutes on Sunday, Rangers owe nothing to anyone and we certainly owe zero respect.

As the captain said on Wednesday, it’s all about winning.